SPLIN Policy Brief #1 english, deutsch, polska, espaniol
SPLIN Policy Brief #2 english, deutsch, polska, espaniol
The Final Conference of the SPLIN Project (online) took place on February, 11, 2021
Safeguarding labour standards through co-enforcement
Cooperación entre los agentes sociales y la inspección de Trabajo frente al empleo irregular (co-enforcement)
Ochrona standardów pracy przez współ-egzekwowanie (co-enforcement)
Sicherung von Arbeitsstandards durch Co-enforcement
Presentations shown at the Final Conference
Short films produced in the framework of the project
Some impressions from the conference

Key note speech „Co-enforcement in theory – expanding policy possibilities?“

in the construction industry – findings from Austria, Poland and Spain“
Conference Programme: english, español, polska, deutsch
Below you find all SPLIN publications